Marriage Matters – Dr Susan Musikanth

Are you in a marriage or long-term relationship?
Do you feel disappointed that your relationship has lost its sparkle and excitement?
Are you exhausted from pressures such as children, work and household chores?
Do you argue about parents and in-laws, roles and responsibilities, sex and money?

If you answered YES to any if the above questions, MARRIAGE MATTERS will provide practical answers to these and many more issues commonly faced in marriage and long term relationships.

Depression Matters – Dr Susan Musikanth

Depression affects millions of people worldwide and often manifests itself through symptoms that are often so commonplace they can often be missed. These symptoms could include sleep and appetite disturbances; physical aches and pains as well as heightened levels of anxiety and irritability and feelings of negativity and poor self-worth. Depression is also ’contagious’. When we live or work with someone who is depressed, we frequently experience our own depression.
It is unfortunate that as a result of ignorance and misconception, depression often carries a social stigma and remains an untreated secret – despite the fact that it is commonly triggered by today’s stressful working and living conditions.
Depression Matters provides easy recognition of the most common symptoms of depression and provides a plethora of practical and creative ways to:

• Recognize the signs of depression
• Communicate about your depressed state without fear and embarrassment
• Use a multitude of tried and tested self-help techniques
• Understand the complex arena of psychotropic medication and electro-shock therapy
• Journey with the author through various  managements of depression and
• Sample some of the holistic alternatives or adjuncts in alleviating the condition

Stress Matters – Dr Susan Musikanth

Is stress a dirty word for you?
Learn to minimize stress as danger and maximize it as an opportunity for excellence.
Are you suffering from the effects of stress?
Does your time management leave a lot to be desired?
Do you not have the time to wade through weighty volumes on the theory of stress?
Do you need to convert your ’distress’ into positive stress now?
If you answered YES to all of the above questions you definitely need to act. Dr Susan Musikanth has devised this easy-to-use programme to follow at you own pace and in your own time.
Dr Susan Musikanth reassures in Stress Matters that the pressures of modern living are neither incurable nor peculiar. She offers practical advice on activating and adopting resources, which not only neuralise the negative effects of each pressure, but convert them into positive forces.
Although stress is difficult to define or measure it has been shown to be a precipitating risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Stress reduction should decrease the potential for heart disease. The Heart Foundation of South Africa endorses Dr Susan Musikanth’s stress-management programme as it teaches how to identify and manage individual stressors.

Mind Your Golf CD – Dr Susan Musikanth

Is your mind preventing your peak performance and enjoyment of golf?
Are you distracted on the golf course by:
• Your last bad shot?
• A foul day at work?
• An argument with your spouse/partner?

Do you feel stress and/or think negatively while trying to play golf to the best of your ability?
If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above questions, MIND YOUR GOLF provides a myriad of tried and tested ways to maximise stress for peak golf performance and enjoyment of the game.

Relaxation CD – Dr Susan Musikanth

Deep muscle relaxation with creative visualisation.


For information on talks and workshops, to order the books CDs, or if you would like to contact Dr Musikanth, please use the details below:

Dr Susan Musikanth
14 Kloof Street
Seapoint 8005, Cape Town
Telephone: +27 72 154 9695

Note: The content of this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional psychological advice. Please consult with a licensed mental health professional for any concerns related to your mental health. Sensitive personal information should not be shared via social media