Dr Susan Musikanth

Dr Susan Musikanth is a Counselling Psychologist in Private Practice in Sea Point. Her expertise and experience are in the areas of Stress, Depression and Interpersonal Relationships at work and at home. She is the highly acclaimed author of Stress Matters, Depression Matters, Marriage Matters, Divorce Matters and Mind Your Golf. Susan is also an experienced hypnotherapist who uses this method of therapy when applicable.In addition she runs Wellness Workshops for the Public and others for Health Professionals.


My partner and I are staying in our holiday house in Paradise Beach, Langebaan, for the foreseeable future. We left our apartment in Green Point on the 25 March after hearing about a positive Coronavirus case in our building. I am so thankful that at a time when the focus and attention of myself as a psychologist is essential, I can continue to support previously established face-to-face therapeutic relationships as well as a few first-time clients, online, via Telehealth.
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Healing Acts of Kindness

My clients are a group of special people, many of whom have been checking in on me to find out how I am doing. This, in the midst of their own challenges. It’s as if there is a supportive system of connectedness in the world where the best kind of energy and strength is being shared, and where we are learning the ropes from each other as we walk this unpredictable and often scary journey together…
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Exploring Emotional Responses

I am grateful that I am able to continue to offer telehealth, or distance therapy, sessions for my clients. I have noticed that some have responded to the trauma of the pandemic with expected intense feelings of anxiety, low mood, guilt at having food and shelter whilst so many are deprived of these basics, and stress over ongoing unpredictability…Read more

How can I help at this time as a Counselling Psychologist?

I continue to process my own responses to the ongoing trauma of this pandemic. This with the ongoing mutual support of my colleagues and with extremely useful online training and information that I have received from both local and international sources. I am pausing with deep muscle relaxation, on a very regular basis, to let the relevant and credible information settle and to draw deep inside myself for strength, calm and balance. It helps greatly that I am living and working surrounded by beautiful nature…Read more


a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.


Are you feeling notably sad,
anxious, or empty for long
periods of time?


specialist in interpersonal
relationships including marriage or
divorce matters.


For information on talks and workshops, to order the books CDs, or if you would like to contact Dr Musikanth, please use the details below:

Dr Susan Musikanth
14 Kloof Street
Seapoint 8005, Cape Town
Telephone: +27 72 154 9695
Email: susan@musikanth.com

Note: The content of this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional psychological advice. Please consult with a licensed mental health professional for any concerns related to your mental health. Sensitive personal information should not be shared via social media